Grammar should be a core part of a sound religious education, but also a liberal arts education. It should boldly teach how a particular language (e.g. Arabic, English, etc) serves as a bridge from words to meaning, and from meanings (or concepts) to realities. In the sense that all languages refer to the same realities (but in different ways), there is what is called a general grammar.
Classification of the Sciences
by M. Styer
Kashshāf li-Muṣṭlaḥāt al-funūn, 1:7
“The perfection (kamāl) of mankind is obtained by knowledge of the things that exist in the world (i.e. extramentally; aʿyān al-mawjūdāt). This includes conceptualising them and having propositional knowledge of their states, as they are in reality, within human ability.
Past Event - Introduction to Islamic Education
On June 22nd we held a course at Cambridge Muslim College with Shaykh Mustafa Styer.
See CMC event information here.
Stay tuned for an upcoming article on this topic…